
My mind is a frozen lake.

After seasons of incessant problem-solving

and innovative living,

I have depleted the well of brilliance.

The ability to plan and act

has vanished with the daylight.

Must achieve…

Must be great…

Must, must, must.

The pressures persist,

my motivation wanes.

All I want is to coil up

like a cat in front of the hearth.

As I ponder the cat, and the hearth,

and the naked trees in the yard,

I figure it doesn’t hurt

to mimic the creatures

whose movements ebb and flow

with the moon and stars

and the sun and the earth.

Copyright 2022 Heidi Beth Sadler all rights reserved

Heidi Beth Sadler

Heidi Beth Sadler is an imperfect creator who plays wild violin licks in Portland, OR.

Buried in Snow


The Ocean’s Tide